Monday, April 6, 2009

SB - Recap #3

Stockholm was awesome... but lets not get to that yet.

Here is more of Le France:

Unite d'Habitation

Sunset from the Unite

Jimbo (I had always wanted to see this building)


Notre Dame de La Garde

View from Notre Dame

Gare (Trainstation)

Through the Valley and on the coast to Nice we go

Train Ride.... man it was awesome

I hate to say this again but I really do have so many photo's. Its probably not such a good idea to recapture my life at such frequent intervals. But if anyone wants photo's I'd be glad to share. The ones here are re-sized, so they are easier to load to the web. I have these and many others at much higher quality. Just send me an email.


Some Sure Things said...

What is that Unite d'Habitation place? It's united living? an apartment building? And what's the building you are standing in front of...the one that looks like some different colored legos are stuck in the window areas.

Borooney said...

Yeah the first four pictures are all of the Unite. Its a modern modular housing project built by LeCorbusier around 1950. Its a really awesome interlocking system of units. I had always wanted to visit it.